Your Participation Begins Immediately once you register!

Once you have registered for Career Ignition your participation begins.  As part of the pre-work for the event, Sandra Smart, one of our facilitators and a certified professional coach & Ignition!™ Travel Guide will send you a link to take a multiple choice, online quiz. All participants are asked to complete to allow customization of their workbook, organization of teams, marketing material, Q&A preparation, etc.

By taking the quiz, you (and Sandra) will receive your personalized report showing you the best personal mix of “Fuel”, that is, activities that will give you the energy to live your lives in the happiest, most fulfilled way and allow yourself to reach your full potential. It also tells you, in brief, how you are likely to show up in the world, what you are naturally talented at, what will challenge you, what you will find easy and what you might find hard.

This is the start of the conversation to discover who you really are, and we will be exploring the insights and questions you have at the event.

Introducing Ignition!™Ignition logo

Sandra’s mission is to ensure that young people leave education and other programs with high self-worth and a core inner confidence, knowing who they are and what they offer the world, with a clear direction for their future and a vision of how they can make a difference to relationships and in the world around them.

That’s why she teaches young people how to identify and build on their natural gifts & strengths; appreciating why these are crucial to a fulfilling and rewarding life where they can be proud of who they are.

Ignition!™ ensures that young people know it doesn’t matter where their life began or where they are right now. What matters is that they discover who they are. Not their name or their labels but who they really are; identifying what they are naturally gifted and talented at - acknowledging what they’re not so talented at - and discovering the fuel that gives them energy and meaning.

Sandra wants them to learn and understand that we are all individual, different and unique and yet it’s so easy to compare ourselves to other people, find ourselves falling short of the mark and then beat ourselves up because we are not as good as someone else!

Ignition!™ is about recognizing that what is difficult for one person might be someone else’s strength and nobody is expected to be perfect at everything. Finding our own unique identity, being comfortable in our own skin and collaborating with others who bring different value is the best way to shine and a great way to lead a fulfilling life.

This is the start of the conversation to discover who they really are, and we will be exploring the insights and questions they have at the event.